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전세계 주요국 에너지산업 해외시장 정보제공


제목 독일) 독일, 해상풍력 발전을 통한 1GW 규모 그린수소 생산 추진 계획 발표
국가 [독일]  출처 Hydrogen Europe
산업구분 [기타]  [수소연료전지]  등록일 2023.01.25
구분 시장
독일 정부가 2030년까지 해상풍력 발전 30GW 달성을 추진중이며, 이와 함께 동 30GW 중 우선 1GW 규모의 수소 생산을 계획중에 있다는 소식이 Hydrogen Europe에 게시되었습니다.
기사 원문 발췌
제목 :
Germany plans offshore green H2 production
발췌 내용 :
As part of Germany’s new plan to generate 30GW of offshore wind by 2030, an area of the North Sea has been set aside exclusively for offshore green hydrogen production, which would be connected to shore via an H2 pipeline.
The newly created SEN-1 zone will have an electrolyser capacity of up to 1GW, with an electricity cable to shore forbidden.
According to a press release from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action: “Electricity from offshore wind farms is ideal, among other things, for obtaining hydrogen by electrolysis. In order to test these technologies on an industrial scale on the high seas, the area development plan defines an enlarged area in the North Sea, which can be connected with a hydrogen pipeline. The area enables an electrolysis capacity of up to 1GW.”
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