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energy news 에너지산업의 새로운 소식을 만나보세요

EU) 2030년 이후 뚜렷한 에너지 가치 사슬의 과제를 목표로 하여 유럽 에너지 안보를 보장하기 위한 청정 에너지 R&I 기회에 대한 연구
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................... 2 ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................... 5 LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................ 8 LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................. 11 ANNEX A: METHODOLOGY .............................................................. 12 1. Overview of the study conceptualisation and approach ..................... 12 2. Scope and definitions ............................................................................ 13 2.1. Energy security 13 2.2. Clean energy technologies 14 2.3. R&I opportunities and interventions 14 3. Assumptions and limitations of the methodology ............................... 14 3.1. Assumptions 14 3.2. Limitations 15 4. Methodology for scenario development ............................................... 15 4.1. PESTLE trends analysis 15 4.2. Scenario development 17 5. Description of the GEM-E3 model and its use in the study ................. 21 6. Methodology for the energy security assessment of clean energy value chains ........ 24 6.1. Value chain selection 25 6.2. Energy security indicators 26 6.3. Energy security assessment of value chains 28 6.4. Longlist of energy security criticalities 32 6.5. Shortlist of key energy security criticalities 33 7. Methodology for the development of the R&I action plan .......
EU) 기후 중립적이고 기후 탄력적인 EU 에너지 인프라를 향해: 유럽횡단 에너지 네트워크에 대한 시나리오 가이드라인에 대한 조언
About the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change ................................................. 4 Executive summary ................................................................................................................................ 5 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 7 1. Scenarios should be adjusted as necessary to remain compatible with EU’s climate and energy targets, and be modelled until at least 2050 ..... 7 2. Scenarios should capture a range of climate neutrality pathways reflecting the varying impacts of key infrastructure development drivers ..... 9 3. Scenario development should incorporate future climate projections and their impact on energy infrastructure resilience ...... 11 4. Scenarios should be constructed using an integrated building-block approach ....... 12 5. Assumptions should be based on up-to-date, scientifically sound and forward-looking information ........ 14 6. The process should be more transparent and built on timely consultations of stakeholders and external experts ......... 16 Recommendations for ACER’s Scenario Guidelines ........ 19 Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................... 21 References .............................................................................................................
글로벌 글로벌
글로벌) 아프리카를 위한 대륙 전력 시스템 계획의 발전
ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................6 ABOUT THIS REPORT .............................................................................................................8 1. THE SPLAT-CMP MODEL FOR THE AFRICAN CONTINENTAL POWER SYSTEMS MASTERPLAN ............11 2. ELEMENTS OF SPLAT-CMP MODEL DESIGN .....................................................................13 2.1 Power system description.........................................................................................................13 2.2 Modelling methodology updates: Constraints at the system and country level ................16 2.3 Modelling methodology updates: Power generation...........................................................20 2.4 Modelling methodology updates: Cross-border power transmission .................................28 2.5 Modelling methodology updates: Representation of storage .............................................31 2.6 Summary ..................................................................................................................................32 3. STRATEGIES FOR RUNNING SPLAT-CMP MODELS ...........................................................34 4. MODEL VERSION CONTROL ...........................................................................................39 5. POSSIBLE FUTURE AREAS OF WORK/STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVEMENT ...........................41 6. CONCLUSION/OUTLOOK

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