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제목 미국) European Energy, 텍사스 e-메탄올 현장에 바이오제닉 CO2 공급 합의
국가 [미국]  출처 RENEWABLE NOW
산업구분 [기타 신재생]  등록일 2024.02.16
구분 시장
European Energy와 Montauk Renewables는 텍사스의 e-메탄올 시설에 바이오제닉 CO2를 공급하기 위한 장기 계약을 체결함

이 계약은 최소 15년 동안 연간 140,000톤의 바이오제닉 CO2를 공급함
기사 원문 발췌
제목 :
European Energy agrees biogenic CO2 supplies for Texas e-methanol site
발췌 내용 :
Danish renewables developer European Energy A/S has signed a long-term agreement with US company Montauk Renewables Inc (NASDAQ:MNTK) for the delivery of biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), which is key for the production of e-methanol.

The deal is for the delivery of 140,000 tonnes of biogenic CO2 a year over at least 15 years. Montauk will capture, clean and liquify CO2 at select Texas facilities. The CO2 will then be transported via truck to EE North America's e-methanol facility in Texas. The Danish company recently secured a 50-year lease with the Port of Victoria in Texas for a potential facility for e-methanol, which is made by combining carbon dioxide with green hydrogen. E-methanol can have various uses, like e-fuel in shipping, raw material for green plastics and blend in heavy transport.
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