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전세계 주요국 에너지산업 해외시장 정보제공


제목 캐나다) 캐나다 원자력 연구소(CNL) Chalk River 부지의 탄소 중립 목표
국가 [캐나다]  출처 World Nuclear News
산업구분 [원자력발전]  등록일 2024.03.28
구분 정책
캐나다 원자력 연구소(CNL)는 2040년까지 온타리오의 Chalk River 부지에서 탄소 중립 운영을 달성한다는 목표를 발표했으며, 소형 모듈형 원자로가 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 기대함

새로운 탄소 배출 감축 계획은 캐나다 원자력청(AECL)이 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스(ESG) 전략에서 설정한 환경 목표를 달성하기 위해 마련됨
기사 원문 발췌
제목 :
CNL aims for carbon-neutrality of Chalk River site
발췌 내용 :
The target is outlined in CNL's newly-released 2023 ESG Report, A CNL Sustainability Performance Update, an annual document that tracks the company's progress towards sustainable operations, and among other goals, was established to support the Canadian government in its commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

The new carbon emission reduction plan was put in place to fulfill environmental objectives set out by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) in its environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy. CNL operates Chalk River Laboratories on behalf of AECL, who owns the site, under a government-owned, company-operated management model. Together, the organisations will work together over the next two decades to reduce emissions by approximately 90% to near-zero, and then balance out any remaining emissions with strategic carbon offsets.
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