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전세계 주요국 에너지산업 해외시장 정보제공


제목 캐나다) CNL, 핵융합 로드맵 발표
국가 [캐나다]  출처 World Nuclear News
산업구분 [원자력발전]  등록일 2024.06.18
구분 정책
캐나다 국립 핵 실험실(CNL)이 핵융합 기술을 포함한 두 가지 주요 청정 에너지 프로그램 확장 계획을 발표함

CNL은 퓨전 프로토타입 리액터와 다른 청정 에너지 기술을 포함하도록 자사의 SMR 초청 프로세스를 개방하고, 퓨전 기반 연구 및 개발에 "더 큰 초점"을 둔 캐나다 핵 연구 이니셔티브 프로그램을 확장할 것임
기사 원문 발췌
제목 :
CNL announces programmes to speed fusion deployment
발췌 내용 :
Fusion energy has the potential to provide Canada with reliable and resilient clean energy to support net-zero by 2050 and beyond, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) said at the Fusion Day 2024 event in Ottawa. Fusion research is now accelerating in maturity, moving from solving engineering problems to now building demonstrations and prototypes, it said, with some 98 currently operating fusion experiments and demonstration facilities globally, with 13 under construction and a further 33 planned. The market for commercial fusion has also grown rapidly, with more than 43 private fusion companies operating globally, attracting more than CAD8.2 billion (USD6 billion) in funding.

The CNL-led Fusion Energy for Canada report calls on the Canadian government to "promptly mobilise a fusion ecosystem through a clear policy and mandate, in order to capitalise on the economic benefits available from the domestic implementation of fusion energy and to support the international nuclear sector".
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