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전세계 주요국 에너지산업 해외시장 정보제공


제목 글로벌) 로봇 공학 : 해양 에너지 부문에서 혁신하는 오토봇
국가 [글로벌]  [독일]  [말레이시아]  [미국]  [베트남]  [싱가포르]  [아랍에미리트]  [영국]  [인도]  [인도네시아]  [일본]  [중국]  [카자흐스탄]  [캐나다]  [태국]  [필리핀]  출처 World Energy News
산업구분 [자원개발·순환]  [풍력에너지]  [기타 신재생]  등록일 2020.11.25
구분 시장

기사 원문 발췌
제목 :

발췌 내용 :

해양 에너지 산업에 자동화 로봇 시스템 도입으로 안전과 비용 효율적인 작업 수행이 가능해 진다는 소식이 World Energy News에 게시되었습니다.

제목 : Robotics: Autobots Transform in the Offshore Energy Sector


발췌 내용 : Robots and robotics have slowly been entering our lives, in various shapes and forms (and fictional characters), from self-driving household vacuum cleaners to highly automated manufacturing systems. Now they’re heading for the offshore world – in just as many shapes and forms.
There could be a lot to gain from robotics, but platforms and offshore wind turbine structures are also very challenging places to put them on. For oil and gas, key drivers are around safety and cost . For the offshore wind sector, the sheer volume of structures being installed is driving a push for robotic systems to do inspection, maintenance, and repair work safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively.



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