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제목 글로벌) 유엔유럽경제위원회(UNECE) 지역의 재생에너지 개발 현황 및 전망 보고서
국가 [글로벌]  출처 독일 에너지청(dena)
산업구분 [기타]  [기타 신재생]  등록일 2023.02.27
유엔유럽경제위원회(UNECE) 지역의 재생에너지 개발 현황 및 전망에 대한 보고서가 dena에 게시되었습니다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
REPORT: Status and Perspectives of Renewable Energy Development in the UNECE Region
원문목차 :
Table of Contents
Legal Information 2
Key Insights 3
Table of Contents 4
01 Introduction 5
1.1 Regional Overview 5
1.2 Scope of the Report 6
1.3 Structure of the Report 6
02 Status Quo of Renewable Energy Deployment in the UNECE Region 7
2.1 Motivations for the Uptake of Renewable Energy 7
2.2 Renewable Energy Deployment Trends 7
2.3 Dynamic Solar PV and Wind Energy Market Development 12
03 Barriers and Challenges to the Uptake of Renewable Energy 16
3.1 Lack of Long-term Energy Sector Strategy 16
3.1.1 Policy Implementation: Long-term Energy Strategy 17
3.2 Lack of Economic Viability 17
3.2.1 Energy Pricing and Subsidies 17
3.2.2 Policy Implementation: Improving Economic Viability of Renewable Energy 22
3.3 Lack of Infrastructural Capacity and Flexibility for Renewable Energy Integration 23
3.3.1 Policy Implementation: Developing Infrastructural Capacity and Flexibility for Renewable Energy Integration 23
3.4 Lack of Public Acceptance and Awareness 24
3.4.1 Policy Implementation: Acceptance and Awareness Raising 25
04 Renewable Energy Policymaking in the UNECE Region 26
4.1 General Introduction to Renewable Energy Policymaking 26
4.2 Policies Promoting Renewable Electricity in the UNECE Region 27
4.3 Policies Promoting Renewable Heat in the UNECE Region 29
05 Policy Implementation in Progress: Renewable Energy Hard Talks 31
5.1 Concept of the Hard Talks 31
5.2 Hard Talk Process 32
5.3 RE Hard Talk with Albania: Uptake, Integration and Harmonisation of Renewables in Albania 32
5.3.1 Country Introduction 33
5.3.2 Challenges and Recommendations 33
5.4 RE Hard Talk with Georgia: Building Support for Renewable Energy Investments in Georgia 35
5.4.1 Country Introduction 35
5.4.2 Challenges and Recommendations 35
5.5 RE Hard Talk with the Republic of Serbia: Renewables in Serbia: The Path Ahead, Net Metering and Auctions 38
5.5.1 Country Introduction 38
5.5.2 Challenges and Recommendations 39
5.6 RE Hard Talk with the Republic of Moldova: Renewables, Resilience and Flexibility Options in the Republic of Moldova 40
5.6.1 Country Introduction 40
5.6.2 Challenges and Recommendations 41
06 Conclusion 44
Figures 45
Tables 45
Bibliography 46
Abbreviations and Acronyms 49
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