제목 | 글로벌) 2020년 전력 생산 | |||||
국가 | [글로벌] [독일] [말레이시아] [미국] [베트남] [싱가포르] [아랍에미리트] [영국] [인도] [인도네시아] [일본] [중국] [카자흐스탄] [캐나다] [태국] [필리핀] | 출처 | IEA | |||
산업구분 | [바이오에너지] [기타] [에너지효율] [화력발전] [스마트그리드] [자원개발·순환] [원자력발전] [기타 신재생] [수소연료전지] [태양에너지] [풍력에너지] | 등록일 | 2020.12.15 | |||
Projected Costs of Generating Electricity 2020 This joint report by the International Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency is the ninth in a series of studies on electricity generating costs. As countries work towards ensuring an electricity supply that is reliable, affordable and increasingly low carbon, it is crucial that policymakers, modellers and experts have at their disposal reliable information on the cost of generation. This report includes cost data on power generation from natural gas, coal, nuclear, and a broad range of renewable technologies. For the first time, information on the costs of storage technologies, the long-term operation of nuclear power plants and fuel cells is also included. The detailed plant-level cost data for 243 power plants in 24 countries, both OECD and non-OECD, is based on the contributions of participating governments and has been treated according to a common methodology in order to provide transparent and comparable results.
Table of Contents 1. Low-carbon generation is becoming cost competitive 2. Competitiveness depends on national and local conditions 3. Lifetime extensions of nuclear plants can be very cost effective 4. Carbon capture technologies could be a viable option with higher carbon costs 5. Technologies have to fit into the market 6. System costs are important to show the full picture 7. Storage is becoming more important 8. Additional perspectives 9. Conclusions
출처 : IEA 원문 링크 : https://www.iea.org/reports/projected-costs-of-generating-electricity-2020#related-analysis |
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