제목 | 글로벌) 스마트 미니 그리드를 위한 품질 인프라 | |||||
국가 | [글로벌] [독일] [말레이시아] [미국] [베트남] [싱가포르] [아랍에미리트] [영국] [인도] [인도네시아] [일본] [중국] [카자흐스탄] [캐나다] [태국] [필리핀] | 출처 | IRENA | |||
산업구분 | [스마트그리드] [에너지효율] [태양에너지] [풍력에너지] | 등록일 | 2020.12.31 | |||
Quality infrastructure for smart mini-grids
This report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) highlights the crucial role of QI for the development of smart renewable mini-grids. Grid-connected mini-grids can increase power system resilience and reliability, while facilitating the integration of solar and wind power. Renewable mini-grids far off the main grid, meanwhile, can provide reliable electricity access for remote areas and islands.
Table of Contents 1. RENEWABLE MINI-GRIDS OVERVIEW, MARKET STATUS AND COSTS 1) Overview and state of the art on renewable mini-grids 2) Deployment, market status and costs 3) Quality infrastructure to support market development 2. QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND CURRENT USES FOR MINI-GRIDS 1) Introduction to quality infrastructure 2) Standards 3) Mini-grid testing 4) Licensing 5) Accreditation and certification processes 6) Metrology 3. IMPACT OF QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE IN RENEWABLE MINI-GRIDS: CASE STUDIES, COSTS AND BENEFITS 1) India: Mlinda modular and scalable mini-grids 2) China: Smart Integrated Energy Microgrid in NCSC of Tianjin 3) Nigeria: A smart metering solution for mini-grid development 4) United States: Wind mini-grid testing 5) United Republic of Tanzania: International standardization and component interoperability in Maple village mini-grid 6) Mali: Konseguela village mini-grid monitoring system 7) Ethiopia: Portable solar mini-grid 4. QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR RENEWABLE MINI-GRIDS OF THE FUTURE: GAP ANALYSIS, EMERGING TRENDS AND MARKET CHALLENGES 1) Smart mini-girds and QI gaps analysis 2) Emerging trends: Low-voltage direct current mini-girds 5. POLICY FRAMEWORKS FOR QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE 1) The role of policy frameworks and influence of QI 2) How to integrate QI into policy framewokrs
원문 링크 | https://www.irena.org/publications/2020/Dec/Quality-infrastructure-for-smart-mini-grids |
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