제목 | 글로벌) 재생에너지를 위한 기관 자본 동원 | |||||
국가 | [글로벌] [독일] [말레이시아] [미국] [베트남] [싱가포르] [아랍에미리트] [영국] [인도] [인도네시아] [일본] [중국] [카자흐스탄] [캐나다] [태국] [필리핀] | 출처 | IRENA | |||
산업구분 | [바이오에너지] [기타 신재생] [수소연료전지] [태양에너지] [풍력에너지] | 등록일 | 2020.12.31 | |||
Mobilising institutional capital for renewable energy This report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) considers ways to attract institutional investors into the sector on the necessary scale. Its recommendations are aimed at policy makers, public capital providers, capital market regulators and other stakeholders, including major institutional investors that could channel capital into renewables. Table of Contents 1. RENEWABLE ENERGY INVESTMENTS 1) Renewable energy investment trends 2) Renewable energy investment needs 2. INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS AND RENEWABLES 1) Understanding institutional investors 2) How much do institutional investors currently invest in renewables? 3) Why raise institutional capital for renewables? 3. ACTIONS TO MIBILISE INSTITUTIONAL CAPITAL 1) Building supportive policy and regulatory frameworks 2) Creating capital market solutions 3) Supporting project pipeline development 4) Enhancing internal capacities 5) Reaping the benefits: Selected renewable investments by institutional investors
원문 링크 | https://www.irena.org/publications/2020/Nov/Mobilising-institutional-capital-for-renewable-energy |