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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 미국) 전력망 신뢰성 유지 - 재생 가능 통합 연구의 교훈
국가 [미국]  출처 NREL
산업구분 [스마트그리드]  등록일 2024.04.17
이 보고서에서는 그리드 신뢰성과 관련된 지식 및 실제 관행의 연구 기관에서 얻은 주요 결과에 대해 논의하고, 풍력 및 태양열 배치가 증가함에 따라 미래에 지속적인 안정성을 계획하고 달성하는 방법을 보여주는 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Maintaining Grid Reliability - Lessons From Renewable Integration Studies
원문목차 :
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1 
 1.1 Three Key Issues To Maintaining Bulk System Reliability With Increased Wind and Solar ....... 1 
 1.2 Summary of Findings .................................................................................................................... 2 
 1.3 How Have We Studied the Evolving Grid? .................................................................................. 3 
 1.4 Study Geography ........................................................................................................................... 4 
 1.5 Studies Considered ........................................................................................................................ 5 

2 Meeting the Ramp: Lessons From Variability Studies ..................................................................... 7 

3 Meeting the Demand: Lessons From Resource Adequacy Studies .............................................. 10 

4 Keeping the Grid Moving: Lessons From Frequency Stability Studies ........................................ 13 
 4.1 Frequency Stability – Summary of the Issue and Study Approach ............................................. 13 
 4.2 Study Findings............................................................................................................................. 13 

5 From Study to Practice: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? .................................... 16 
 5.1 Incorporating High Levels of Variable Generation in Utility Planning ...................................... 16 

6 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 18
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