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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 글로벌) 마켓 업그레이드가 필요한 시점이신가요? 미래를 위한 도매전력 시장 설계 검토
국가 [글로벌]  출처 RFF
산업구분 [스마트그리드]  등록일 2024.07.08
이 보고서는 청정 에너지 전환을 위한 전력 시장 설계를 평가하고 비교하는 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Time for a Market Upgrade? A Review of Wholesale Electricity Market Designs for the Future
원문목차 :
1.  Introduction 1

2.  Traditional Approaches to Resource Adequacy and Revenue Sufficiency 5
 2.1.  Scarcity Pricing 5
 2.2.  Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms 6
  2.2.1.  Capacity Payments 6
  2.2.2.  Capacity Requirements 6
  2.2.3.  Capacity Markets 7
  2.2.4.  Reliability Options 7
  2.2.5.  Strategic Reserves 8
  2.2.6.  Incentivizing Capacity Performance 9

3.  Evolving Market Approaches to Support Reliability, Flexibility, and Price Certainty 10
 3.1.  Flexible Capacity Requirements 10
 3.2.  Seasonal Forward Capacity Markets 11
 3.3.  Basic Generation Service 12

4.  Proposed Approaches to Meet the Challenges of the Clean Energy Transition 14
 4.1.  An Integrated Clean Capacity Market 14
 4.2.  Standardized Fixed-Price Forward Contracts 16
 4.3.  A Forward Energy Market with Flow Trading 18
 4.4.  A Two-Part Market for Energy 21
 4.5.  A Market for Long-Term Energy Contracts 22
 4.6.  Long-Term Contracts Based on the Attributes of Generation Technologies 24
 4.7.  Market-Based Integrated Resource Planning 26
 4.8.  An Organized Long-Term Market 28
 4.9.  Dual Short-Term Market Designs 29
 4.10.  Swing Contracts 32

5.  Discussion 36

6.  Conclusions 41

References 43
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