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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 미국) 분산형 풍력 시장 보고서: 2024년판
국가 [미국]  출처 PNNL
산업구분 [풍력에너지]  등록일 2024.08.26
이 보고서는 이해 관계자에게 분산 에너지 자원으로 사용되는 풍력 기술의 시장 동향 및 특성에 대한 통찰력과 함께 시장 통계 및 분석을 제공하는 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Distributed Wind Market Report: 2024 Edition
원문목차 :
Preparation and Authorship .... iv 

Acknowledgments ... v 

List of Acronyms ... vi 

Executive Summary ........ vii 

Table of Contents ... x 

List of Figures .... xii 

List of Tables ..... xii 

1 Introduction ... 1 
 1.1 Purpose of Report ..... 1 
 1.2 Distributed Wind Applications .... 1 
 1.3 Wind Turbine Size Classifications............ 2 
 1.4 Data Collection, Categorization, and Analysis Methodologies ... 2 

2 U.S. Distributed Wind Deployment ... 4 
 2.1 Top States for Distributed Wind: Annual and Cumulative Capacity ....... 4 
 2.2 Project Development Timelines ... 8 

3 U.S. Distributed Wind Projects, Sales, and Exports ....... 9 
 3.1 U.S. Midsize and Large Wind Turbine Market ...... 9 
 3.2 U.S. Small Wind Market ...... 10 
 3.3 Global Small Wind Market ... 12 

4 Policies, Incentives, and Market Insights ........ 14 
 4.1 Policies and Incentives ......... 14 
  4.1.1 State Policy and Cash Incentive Highlights ..... 15 
  4.1.2 Federal Tax Incentives .......... 15 
  4.1.3 U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Energy for America Program .... 16 
 4.2 Market Insights ... 17 
  4.2.1 Small Wind Repowers .......... 18 
  4.2.2 Hybrids and Co-Located Distributed Energy Resources ..... 18 
  4.2.3 Competitiveness Improvement Project ............ 18 
  4.2.4 Certified Small and Medium Wind Turbines ... 19 

5 Installed and Operations and Maintenance Costs ......... 21 
 5.1 Small Wind Installed Costs .. 21 
 5.2 Installed Costs for Projects Using Midsize and Large Wind Turbines ... 22 
 5.3 Operation and Maintenance Costs .......... 23 

6 Performance ... 24 
 6.1 Small Wind Capacity Factors .... 24 
 6.2 Capacity Factors for Projects Using Midsize and Large Turbines ........ 25 
 6.3 Annual Capacity Factor Comparison ...... 26 
 6.4 Wind Resource Quality ........ 28 

7 Levelized Cost of Energy  30 

8 Distributed Wind Markets ............ 31 
 8.1 Customer Types ... 31 
 8.2 Interconnection Types .......... 33 

9 Distributed Wind Technology ...... 36 
 9.1 Wind Turbine Sizes  36 
 9.2 Type of Towers ... 38 
10 Future Outlook and Market Potential ... 39 

11 References ... 40 

Appendix A: Wind Turbine Manufacturers and Suppliers .. A.1 

Appendix B: Methodology .. B.1
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