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제목 글로벌) 세계의 원자로
국가 [글로벌]  출처 IAEA
산업구분 [원자력발전]  등록일 2024.08.28
이 보고서는 IAEA 회원국의 원자로에 대한 최근 사양 및 성능 데이터의 요약과 계획, 건설 중, 운영 중이거나 폐쇄 또는 해체된 원자로에 대한 기술 데이터가 포함된 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Nuclear Power Reactors in the World
원문목차 :
Introduction .......................................................................................................................1

Definitions .........................................................................................................................5

Table 1. Overview of power reactors and nuclear share, 31 Dec. 2023  ..........................8

Table 2. Type and net electrical power of operational reactors, 31 Dec. 2023  ..............10

Table 3. Type and net electrical power of reactors under construction, 31 Dec. 2023  ..12

Table 4. Reactor years of experience, up to 31 Dec. 2023 ............................................13

Table 5. Operational reactors and net electrical power (1995 – 2023)  ..........................15

Table 6. Nuclear electricity production and share (1995 – 2023)  ..................................17

Table 7. Annual construction starts and connections to the grid (1954 – 2023)  ............19

Table 8.  Number of new reactors connected to the grid and median construction time in months .........22

Table 9. Construction starts during 2023  .......................................................................23

Table 10. Connections to the grid during 2023  ..............................................................23

Table 11. Scheduled connections to the grid during 2023  .............................................23

Table 12. Reactors planned for construction as known on 31 Dec. 2023  .....................24

Table 13. Reactors under construction, 31 Dec. 2023 ...................................................26

Table 14. Operational reactors, 31 Dec. 2023  ...............................................................29

Table 15. Reactors in suspended operation, 31 Dec. 2023  ...........................................47

Table 16. Reactors permanently shut down, 31 Dec. 2023  ...........................................49

Table 17. Reactors in decommissioning process or decommissioned, 31 Dec. 2023  ...57

Table 18. Performance factors by reactor category (2021 – 2023)  ...............................65

Table 19. Full outage statistics during 2023  ..................................................................66

Table 20. Direct causes of full outages during 2023  ......................................................67

Table 21. Direct causes of full outages (2019 – 2023)  ..................................................68

Table 22. Countries: abbreviations and summary  .........................................................69

Table 23. Reactor types: abbreviations and summary ...................................................71

Table 24. Operators: abbreviations and summary  .........................................................72

Table 25. NSSS suppliers: abbreviations and summary ................................................79

Figure 1.   Number of operational reactors by type and net electrical power as of 31 Dec. 2023) ....83

Figure 2.  Reactors under construction by type and net electrical power (as of 31 Dec. 2023) ....84

Figure 3. Nuclear share of electricity generation (as of 31 Dec. 2023) ..........................85

Figure 4. Worldwide median construction time in months (as of 31 Dec. 2023) ............86

Figure 5. Number of operational reactors by age (as of 31 Dec. 2023) .........................87

Figure 6. Annual construction starts and connections to the grid (1954 – 2023) ...........88

Figure 7. Number of reactors in operation worldwide (as of 31 Dec. 2023) ...................89

Figure 8. Number of reactors under construction worldwide (as of 31 Dec. 2023) ........90

Figure 9. Historical evolution of the worldwide nuclear power (as of 31 Dec. 2023) ......91
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