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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 일본) 녹색철강시장 형성을 향하여: 질량수지법 활용을 위한 이슈와 조건
국가 [일본]  출처 일본신재생에너지연구소
산업구분 [기타]  등록일 2024.09.04
이 보고서는 '질량 균형 제품'의 문제에 초점을 맞추고 부정적인 영향을 피하기 위해 필요한 조건을 조사한 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Towards the Green Steel Market Formation: Issues and Conditions for the Use of the Mass Balance Method
원문목차 :
Introduction ............... 4

Overview ................... 5

1. The emergence of products claiming to be green steel ........ 7
 Products claiming to be "green steel" and their background ... 7
 Characteristics and classification of products claiming to be "green steel" ....... 7

2. Characteristics and challenges of Japan's "mass balance products" ... 10
 Characteristics of Japan's "mass balance products" ... 10
 Chain of custody (CoC) ....... 12
 Advantages and challenges of Japan's "mass balance products" ...... 13
 Appropriateness of reduction projects: which projects to select and how to calculate reductions ...... 14

3. Handling in systems and initiatives ...... 17
 Guidance and rule-making in Japan ....... 17
 Handling in international initiatives, etc. ....... 18

4. Prerequisites required for "mass balance products" ... 21
 Condition 1: Presentation of specific decarbonization plans for the entire company and each production site (steelworks) ........ 21
 Condition 2: Stricter, clearer, and more transparent reduction projects ...... 21
 Condition 3: Ensuring consistency with EPD ................... 22
 Condition 4: Attribution of recycling effects ................... 22
 Condition 5: Labeling to avoid confusion with real products ... 23

5. Hurry up and move to real, lower-carbon product evaluation ....... 23

Appendix: Chain of custody (CoC) in the steelmaking process ....... 25
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