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제목 EU) 지역적 영향을 미치는 재생 에너지 프로젝트 매핑
국가 [EU]  출처 Publications Office of the European Union
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [기타 신재생]  [수소연료전지]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2024.09.19
이 보고서는 Fit for 55 패키지의 보다 성공적인 이행과 재생 에너지에 대한 지역에 영향을 미치는 재생 에너지 발전 프로젝트의 역할을 분석하고 이러한 프로젝트의 신속한 이행을 지원하는 근거를 제공하는 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Mapping of renewable energy projects with regional impact
원문목차 :
Abstract ................. 8 

Executive summary ........ 9 

Abbreviations ...... 15 

1. Introduction .. 16 
 1.1. Existing mechanisms for regional cooperation. State of play ...... 16 
  1.1.1. National support schemes or joint support schemes ...16 
  1.1.2. Joint renewable energy projects.....17 
  1.1.3. Statistical transfers.....17 
  1.1.4. EU renewable energy financing mechanism ......18 
  1.1.5. Connecting Europe Facility – Cross border renewable energy projects window ..18 
 1.2. Role of High-Level Groups ........ 19 
  1.2.1. The function and impact of High-Level Groups ..19 
  1.2.1. Potential impact of High-Level Groups ...............20 

2. Defining a “renewable energy project with regional impact” ....... 22 
 2.1. Methodology and data sources .. 22 
 2.2. Definition and the criteria .......... 23 
  2.2.1. Final definition and criteria .............23 
  2.2.2. Lessons learned ........24 

3. Mapping of projects................... 26 
 3.1. Methodology and data sources .. 26 
 3.2. Mapping conclusions and lessons learned .... 27 
  3.2.1. Projects officially recognised by the EU as having regional impact and/or directly involving at least two countries ....27 
  3.2.2. Renewable energy installations subject to a cross-border PPA above 8 GWh ....30 
  3.2.3. Transmission grid-connected renewable electricity installations with nominal capacity above 2% of the country’s total outgoing interconnection capacity, with a minimum of 100MW ....31 
  3.2.4. Renewable energy installations generating renewable energy from regional flows of renewable fuel totalling at least 120GWh per year ...32 
  3.2.5. Renewable Power-to-X production installations exporting at least 120GWh per year ........33 
 3.3. Common trends and lessons learned............ 34 

4. Barriers to regional cooperation on renewable energy projects and recommendations for the way forward ................. 36 
 4.1. Methodology and data sources .. 36 
 4.2. Barriers to cross-border renewable energy cooperations – insights from the research .............. 38 
 4.3. Challenges in cross-border renewable energy cooperation - insights from the project developers ........ 39 
 4.4. Common challenges in cross-border renewable energy cooperation – insights from the HLGs ..... 40 
 4.5. Lessons learned .... 42 

5. Conclusions . 43 
 5.1. Key findings .. 43 
 5.2. Recommendations  45 

Annex 1: Literature review ............... 47 

Annex 2: Advisory interviews ........... 49 

Annex 3: Survey validating the definition and criteria .... 50 

Annex 4 : Detailed rationale behind the criteria .... 57 

Annex 5: List of projects with regional impact ...... 61 

Annex 6: Survey on the barriers to regional impact ...... 78 

Annex 7: Project developers interviewed ............. 85 

Annex 8: Lessons learned fiches ..... 86
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