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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 글로벌) 재고에서 행동으로: COP28 에너지 목표를 이행하는 방법
국가 [글로벌]  출처 IEA
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [기타]  [에너지효율]  [스마트그리드]  [원자력발전]  [기타 신재생]  [수소연료전지]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2024.10.04
이 논문은 2023년 12월에 개최된 COP28 기후 회의에서 200개국이 야심찬 글로벌 에너지 전환 목표에 합의한 결과를 분석하고, 이러한 목표가 완전히 이행될 경우 글로벌 에너지 시스템과 배출량에 미치는 잠재적 영향을 조사한 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
From Taking Stock to Taking Action: How to implement the COP28 energy goals
원문목차 :
Foreword........................................................................................................................... 3 

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... 5 

Executive summary ......................................................................................................... 11 

From taking stock to taking action 17 

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 17 

2 Where do we stand today? ..................................................................................... 21 

3 Pathways to meet the COP28 outcome energy goals .............................................. 26 
 3.1 Full implementation of the COP28 outcome .............................................. 26 
 3.2 Partial implementation of the COP28 outcome ......................................... 27 

4 Guidebook to implement the COP28 energy goals .................................................. 31 
 4.1 Triple renewables capacity ......................................................................... 31 
 4.2 Double energy efficiency ............................................................................ 35 
 4.3 Accelerate the phase-down of unabated coal-fired power generation ..... 44 
 4.4 Transition away from fossil fuels ................................................................ 47 
 4.5 Accelerate zero- and low-emissions technologies...................................... 52 
 4.6 Reduce emissions from road transportation .............................................. 57 
 4.7 Reduce methane emissions ........................................................................ 59 

5 Transition in a just, orderly and equitable manner .................................................. 62 
 5.1 Clean energy investment ............................................................................ 62 
 5.2 Subsidy removal and affordability .............................................................. 67 

6 Integrate the COP28 outcome into NDCs and  net zero emissions strategies ........... 70 
 6.1 Energy-related emissions benchmarks in line with the COP28 outcome ... 70 
 6.2 Integrating COP28 goals into NDC design for climate clarity, implementation and investment certainty ... 71 
 6.3 Next steps for multilateral engagement ..................................................... 74 
References ...................................................................................................................... 77
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