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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 미국) 2035년까지 미국, 무탄소 전력 부문: 경제와 기술로 재생 에너지 추진
국가 [미국]  출처 일본신재생에너지연구소
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [기타]  [에너지효율]  [스마트그리드]  [원자력발전]  [기타 신재생]  [수소연료전지]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2024.10.08
이 보고서는 미국 전력 부문의 에너지 전환을 분석한 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
United States Carbon Free Power Sector by 2035: Economics and Technology Propel Renewables
원문목차 :
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6 

Key Findings ....................................................................................................................... 7 

Chapter 1: Renewable Energy as the Main Solution for Decarbonization ............................ 8 
 1. Significant increase in renewable energy electricity ................................................... 8 
 2. Cost competitiveness of onshore wind and solar photovoltaic ................................. 12 
 3. The Inflation Reduction Act as the key policy ............................................................ 15 
 4. Embracing a new industrial era ................................................................................. 18 

Chapter 2: Storage and Market Rules for the Integration of Renewables ......................... 21 
 1. Battery storage explosive growth .............................................................................. 21 
 2. Fossil power in danger, natural gas threatened and coal collapses ........................... 26 
 3. Nuclear power limited to a marginal role .................................................................. 30 
 4. Electricity system reform stimulates flexibility .......................................................... 34 

Chapter 3: Reinforcement and Expansion to Solve the Grid Bottleneck ............................ 38 
 1. Overview of electrical grid interconnections ............................................................. 38 
 2. Grid connection, the major obstacle for renewable energy projects ........................ 40 
 3. Modern grid technologies and new transmission lines to improve the situation ...... 43 

Chapter 4: Renewables Promotion in a Federal Democratic Republic ............................... 47 
 1. Empirical developments under Presidents Obama, Trump, and Biden ..................... 47 
 2. States’ decisive actions over the Federal Government ............................................. 50 
 3. Corporate buyers’ leadership for decarbonizing business ......................................... 54 

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 58
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