제목 | 글로벌) Oil 2021 | |||
국가 | [글로벌] [독일] [말레이시아] [미국] [베트남] [싱가포르] [아랍에미리트] [영국] [인도] [인도네시아] [일본] [중국] [카자흐스탄] [캐나다] [태국] [필리핀] | 출처 | IEA | |
산업구분 | [자원개발·순환] | 등록일 | 2021.03.26 | |
국제에너지기구(IEA)에서 2026년까지 석유 시장의 데이터, 투자 동향 및 정부 정책을 분석한 보고서가 발간되었습니다. 제목 : Clean Energy Investing: Global Comparison of Investment Returns 발췌내용 : World oil markets are rebalancing after the Covid 19 crisis spurred an unprecedented collapse in demand in 2020, but they may never return to “normal”. Oil 2021, the IEA’s latest medium-term outlook, explains why. [목차] 1. Executive Summary 2. Demand - Global demand overview - Fundamentals - Energy Transitions - Global Oil demand by product - Regional developments 3. Supply - Global supply overivew - Investment - OPEC+ supply - Non-OPEC+ 4. Refining and trade - Refining and trade overview - Refining capacity - Implications of supply, demand and the energy transition - Regional developments - Crude and products trade 5. Global oil stocks - Global oil stocks overview - Focus on Chinese crude oil storage - Strategic oil stock developments in other countries 6. Tables - Annexes
원문 링크 | https://www.iea.org/reports/oil-2021 | |||
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