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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 중국) 전력 부문 탈탄 소화에서 중국 ETS(배출권 거래제)의 역할
국가 [중국]  출처 IEA
산업구분 [기타]  등록일 2021.04.12

국제에너지기구(IEA)에서 중국 ETS(배출권 거래제)의 2021년 전력 부문으로 확대 시행이 글로벌 전기 생산 부문에서 탄소 배출량 감소와 전력부문 에너지 전환을 촉진시키는데 어떤 역할을 하는지를 다룬 보고서가 발간되었습니다.

제목 : The Role of China’s ETS in Power Sector Decarbonisation

발췌내용 : The People’s Republic of China (“China”) officially launched its national emissions trading system (ETS) in 2017, and it will come into operation in 2021. Initially covering the power sector, which accounts for over 40% of China’s energy-related CO2 emissions, the ETS is set to subsequently be expanded to other energy-intensive sectors. China’s national ETS could be an important market-based instrument to help the country meet its recently enhanced climate goals to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.



Executive summary

Key findings

  - With benchmark-tightening, China’s ETS can cost-effectively make power sector CO2 emissions peak before 2030

  - ETS allocation design encourages efficiency in coal-fired power generation and in the capacity mix

  - Current ETS design has the potential to support CCUS technology uptake in the power sector by 2030

  - Multiple benchmarks and free allocation limit incentives to switch to gas and non-fossil sources

  - Introducing auctioning in an output-based ETS could lead to even greater power sector decarbonisation

  - Regional distributional effects could arise under the ETS

Policy recommendations

  - Tighten and gradually merge benchmarks to enhance the effectiveness of the output-based ETS

  - Co-ordinate power market reform with the ETS to amplify the effects on shared policy goals

  - Introduce auctioning to incentivise fuel switching, and use revenues to expand climate action and make electricity more affordable

  - Transition to an ETS with a fixed cap to ensure emissions trajectory certainty

  - Strengthen policy co-ordination when implementing and expanding the ETS

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