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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 글로벌) 전기 안보 2021 - 전기 시스템의 사이버 복원력 강화
국가 [글로벌]  [독일]  [말레이시아]  [미국]  [베트남]  [싱가포르]  [아랍에미리트]  [영국]  [인도]  [인도네시아]  [일본]  [중국]  [카자흐스탄]  [캐나다]  [태국]  [필리핀]  출처 IEA
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [화력발전]  [스마트그리드]  [원자력발전]  [기타 신재생]  [수소연료전지]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2021.04.14

국제에너지기구(IEA)에서 전력 시스템의 디지털화에 따른 사이버 보안 사례와 전력 시스템의 사이버 복원력을 향상시킬 수있는 정책 및 조치 등의 방법을 소개하는 보고서가 발간되었습니다.

제목 : Electricity Security 2021 - Enhancing cyber resilience in electricity systems

발췌내용 : IElectricity is an integral part of all modern economies, supporting a range of critical services including health care, the internet and transportation. The secure supply of electricity is thus of paramount importance. Digitalisation is rapidly transforming the electricity system, bringing many benefits for businesses and consumers. At the same time, increased connectivity and automation could raise risks to cybersecurity and the threat of cyberattacks. A successful cyberattack could trigger the loss of control over devices and processes in electricity systems, in turn causing physical damage and widespread service disruption. 

Using real-world examples, this report offers guidance to policy makers, electric utilities and other stakeholders on how policies and actions could enhance the cyber resilience of electricity systems.


I. Abstract

II. Executive summary

  Recommended actions

    - Institutionalise

    - Identify risks

    - Manage and mitigate risk

    - Monitor progress

    - Respond and recover

III. Introduction

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