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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 글로벌) 수력발전 특별 보고서
국가 [글로벌]  출처 IEA
산업구분 [기타 신재생]  등록일 2021.07.07

전 세계의 저수지, 강, 양수 발전 프로젝트에 대한 투자비용, 발전비용 및 향후 지역별 증설 전망을 담은 ‘Hydropower Special Market Report’ 보고서가 국제에너지기구(IEA)에 발간되었습니다

제목 : Hydropower Special Market Report 

발췌내용 : Natural gas markets started off the year with a strong rebound, supported by a combination of recovering economic activity in most markets along with a series of weather-related events – cold spells in Q1 followed by colder or drier than average temperatures in Q2. Rising demand in 2021 is expected to offset 2020’s decline and even grow further with an anticipated 3.6% annual increase.


1.    Introduction

2.    Hydropower Today

3.    Business case for hydropower

-      Investment costs

-      Generation costs and competitiveness

-      Long-term contracts and policy support

-      Challenges

4.    Hydropower outlook

-      Global forecast additions: Main case

-      Reservoir Plants

-      Pumped-storage plants

-      Run-of-river plants

-      Greenfield and brownfield forecast

-      Small hydropower

-      Regional outlooks

-      China

-      Asia Pacific

-      Sub-Saharan Africa

-      Latin America

-      Europe

-      North America

-      Rest of world

-      Accelerated case

-      Investment Trends

-      Generation

-      Recent trends

-      Outlook to 2030

-      Climate change impact on hydropower generation beyond 2030

-      Asia

-      Latin America

-      Africa

5.    Special focus: Flexibility and storage

-      How can hydropower technologies accommodate increasing flexibility requirements?

-      What is the storage capability of hydropower plants?

-      Electricity storage capabilities of PSH plants today and in 2030

-      Is hydropower a cost-effective technology to provide flexibility and storage?

-      Are hydropower’s flexibility and reliability services adequately remunerated?

-      Remuneration for flexibility remains low, but long-term contracts can stimulate new investment

6.    Policy recommendations

7.    References

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