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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 글로벌) 전력 시장 보고서 - 2021년 7월
국가 [글로벌]  출처 IEA
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [기타 신재생]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2021.07.16

코로나-19 바이러스의 영향을 받은 전 세계의 전력 수요와 재생에너지 생산의 성장 속도, 2022년까지의 전력 수요공급 및 배출 예상치 등의 내용을 담은 보고서가 IEA에 발간되었습니다.

제목 : Electricity Market Report - July 2021 

발췌내용 : When the IEA published its first Electricity Market Report in December 2020, large parts of the world were in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and its resulting lockdowns. Half a year later, electricity demand around the world is rebounding or even exceeding pre-pandemic levels, especially in emerging and developing economies. But the situation remains volatile, with Covid-19 still causing disruptions. Despite record additions of renewable generation capacity, fossil fuel-based generation and associated emissions are rising along with electricity demand. This mid-2021 edition of the Electricity Market Report highlights recent developments and forecasts demand, capacity, supply and emissions through 2022. The report also analyses electricity market prices and electricity security.


I.              Introduction and recent developments

II.            Assumptions

III.           Investments and capability

IV.          Demand, supply and emissions forecast

A.    Global overview

B.     Europe

C.    Americas

D.    Asia Pacific

E.     Africa

V.            Markets

A.    Wholesale and end-user prices

B.     Revenues and profits

C.    Trade

VI.          Electricity security

A.    Security of supply incidents

B.     Challenges of integrating renewables

VII.         Annexes

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