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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 중국) 중국 에너지절약 전문기업의 발전
국가 [중국]  출처 IEA
산업구분 [에너지효율]  등록일 2021.09.06

중국이 사회경제적 변화에 걸맞춰 에너지 효율성 증진 프로젝트를 지원하는 에너지절약 전문 기업을 설립하기 위해 취했던 정부의 전략적 조치에 대한 내용을 담은 ‘Evolving Energy Service Companies in China’ 보고서가 IEA에 발간되었습니다.  

제목: Evolving Energy Service Companies in China



1.     Executive summary

2.     Market history and developments

A.     History of ESCO development in China

3.     The emergence of a robust ESCO market

A.     The emergence of diverse, market driven ESCOs

B.     The world’s largest and fastest growing ESCO market

4.     Challenges and opportunities for next generation of ESCOs

A.     Barriers to sustainable developments for the ESCO industry

B.     Opportunities from digitalization: ESCOs to become integrated energy services providers

5.     Special Focus: ESCOs for green, digital recovery

A.     ESCOs can reinforce energy efficiency’s role inbuilding back better and greener

B.     ESCOs have been resilient to the pandemic

C.     China’s New Infrastructure initiative and commitment to carbon neutrality by 2060 provide immense opportunities for ESCOs            




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