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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 미국) 2022년 연간 에너지 전망
국가 [미국]  출처 EIA
산업구분 [기타]  [자원개발·순환]  [에너지효율]  등록일 2022.03.04

2050년까지의 에너지 시장에 대한 예측이 담긴 ‘AEO2022’ 보고서가 EIA에 발간되었습니다.








-Key takeaways from the Reference case and side cases

-The Annual Energy Outlook 2022 explores longterm energy trends in the United States

-What is the AEO2022 Reference case?

-What are the side cases?



-Motor gasoline remains the most prevalent transportation fuel despite electric

vehicles gaining market share

-Energyrelated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions dip through 2035 before climbing later in the projection years

-Energy consumption increases through 2050 as population and economic

growth outweighs efficiency gains

-Electricity continues to be the fastestgrowing energy source in buildings, with

renewables and natural gas providing most of the incremental electricity supply



-Electricity demand grows slowly across the projection period, which increases

competition among fuels

-Renewable electricity generation increases more rapidly than overall electricity

demand through 2050

-Battery storage complements growth in renewables generation and reduces

natural gasfired and oilfired generation during peak hours

-As coal and nuclear generating capacity retire, new capacity additions come

largely from wind and solar technologies



-U.S. production of natural gas and petroleum and other liquids rises amid

growing demand for exports and industrial uses

-Driven by rising prices, U.S. crude oil production in the Reference case returns to prepandemic levels in 2023 and stabilizes over the long term

-Refinery closures lower domestic crude oil distillation operating capacity, but

refinery utilization rates remain flat over the long term

-Consumption of renewable diesel increases as a share of the domestic fuel mix

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