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전세계 주요국 에너지산업 해외시장 정보제공


제목 EU) 유럽이사회, 6월 발효 예정인 탄소중립산업법(Net-Zero Industry Act) 찬성 표결 통과
국가 [EU]  출처 PV Tech
산업구분 [기타]  등록일 2024.05.30
구분 정책
2050년까지 탄소 중립 달성을 위한 주요 산업 조건 마련을 위해 Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA)가 1년 이상의 논의 끝에 유럽위원회(EC)에 의해 채택됨

2030년까지 유럽 제조업체가 EU의 연간 재생 에너지 배치 요구의 최소 40%를 충족하도록 장려함
기사 원문 발췌
제목 :
European Council passes vote in favour of Net-Zero Industry Act, to come into force in June
발췌 내용 :
The European Council (EC) has adopted the EU’s Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) after just over a year of discussion, as the EU looks to bolster its clean energy manufacturing industries.

This week’s vote by the EC is the final step in the legislative process for the NZIA, which looks to encourage investment in clean energy manufacturing by setting a target for European manufacturers to meet at least 40% of the EU’s annual renewable energy deployment needs by 2030. The act will enter into force one day after its publication in an EC journal, which is expected towards the end of June.
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