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전세계 주요국 에너지산업 해외시장 정보제공


제목 캐나다) 정부, 전기자동차 생산을 통한 일자리 창출
국가 [캐나다]  출처 Government of Canada
산업구분 [수소연료전지]  등록일 2022.04.05
구분 정책
캐나다 정부가 온타리아주에 위치한 미국 자동차 제조 업체 General Motors사의 전기자동차 생산시설 건설에 2억5,900만달러를 투자하였으며, 자국내 일자리 창출과 전기자동차 대중화를 실현시킬 것이라는 소식이 Government of Canada에 게시되었습니다
기사 원문 발췌
제목 :
Government of Canada secures thousands of jobs and helps create Canada’s first full-scale commercial electric vehicle manufacturing facility
발췌 내용 :
Canada’s automotive sector plays a crucial role in our economy; it supports hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs and drives the development and adoption of clean technology. That’s why the Government of Canada is making smart investments to support auto sector jobs, help Canadians get around in cleaner and more affordable ways, and make Canada a global leader in the future economy. Canada’s strength in automotive manufacturing, combined with its world-class innovators and its natural resources, position the country to lead in designing and building the vehicles of the future.
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