제목 | 일본) 고압전기 공급 조달 | ||
국가 | [일본] | 출처 | JETRO |
산업구분 | [에너지효율] | 입찰기간 | 2022.08.23 ~ 2022.10.06 |
High voltage Electricity used in Noshiro office of River and National Highway of Tohoku Regional Development Bureau, contract 912kW and the estimated electricity for the year is 2,196,336kWh 1. 국가 : 일본
2. 게시일 : 2022/08/23
3. 마감일 : 2022/10/06 4. 발주처 : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan
원문 링크 | https://www.jetro.go.jp/en/database/procurement/national/articles/246436/2022082300060000.html |