제목 | 태국) Srinagarind 수력발전소 리모델링 입찰 | ||
국가 | [태국] | 출처 | EGAT |
산업구분 | [기타 신재생] [수소연료전지] [원자력발전] | 입찰기간 | 2022.08.23 ~ 2022.10.26 |
Announcement Revision 2 for Invitation to Bid No. EGAT 4/2564-SNR 4-5 (Srinagarind Hydro Power Plant Renovation Units 4-5) 1. 국가 : 태국
2. 게시일 : 2022/08/23
3. 마감일 : 2022/10/26 4. 발주처 : International Procurement Department - Generation, Power Plant Development and Renewable Energy Segment
원문 링크 | https://www4.egat.co.th/fprocurement/biddingeng/main/2330 |
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