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제목 글로벌) 글로벌 가스시장(2023년 1분기) 동향 보고서
국가 [글로벌]  출처 IEA
산업구분 [자원개발·순환]  등록일 2023.03.07
글로벌 가스 시장에 대한 동향 보고서가 IEA에 게시되었습니다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Gas Market Report, Q1-2023
원문목차 :
Table of contents
Gas Market Highlights 2022............................................................................ 6
Record high gas prices and volatility weighed on hub liquidity in 2022.. 7
Churn rates continued to decline across all key natural gas markets .... 8
The LNG industry in 2022....................................................................... 9
Utilisation of global liquefaction capacity dipped below average in H2
2022 ......................................................................................................11
The much-anticipated FID wave for new liquefaction capacity did not
materialise in 2022................................................................................12
The United States supplied two-thirds of Europe’s incremental LNG
imports, but other flexible suppliers stepped up deliveries as well.......13
Congestion led to record volumes of LNG in floating storage around
Europe during Q4 2022 ........................................................................14
Interest in new LNG import infrastructure has surged within the
European Union since the beginning of 2022.......................................15
Chinese shipyards accounted for more than a third of LNG carrier
orders globally in 2022..........................................................................16
The value of global LNG trade surged to an all-time high in 2022, amid
soaring spot gas prices.........................................................................17
The value of global LNG trade doubled in 2022 to over USD 450 billion
Natural gas supply security takes central stage amid new wave of
market reforms in 2022.........................................................................19
The European Union adopted a Joint Gas Purchasing Mechanism in
2022 ......................................................................................................22
Gas market update and short-term forecast...............................................25
North American natural gas demand fully recovered its 2020 losses,
with estimated growth of over 4% in 2022............................................26
US gas consumption jumped by over 5% in 2022, supported by power
generation and residential uses............................................................27
Gas consumption fell only slightly in Central and South America in 2022
despite a steep drop in Brazil; a further decline from the power
generation sector is expected in 2023 ................................................. 28
The drop in Brazil’s gas consumption in 2022 was almost offset by
increases in other Central and South American markets .................... 30
Gas use for power generation slumped in Brazil in 2022, after strong
demand in 2021 driven by all-time record droughts............................. 31
European gas demand recorded its steepest drop in history in 2022…
............................................................................................................. 32
…declining by over 70 bcm in 2022 amid mild weather and demand
reduction in industry ............................................................................. 33
Asian gas demand came under pressure in 2022; recovery in 2023 is
expected to be modest......................................................................... 34
Widespread 2022 demand declines in Asia are set to be followed by an
uneven recovery in 2023...................................................................... 36
US natural gas production growth in 2022 was primarily supported by
oil-driven assets, while output from pure gas-driven plays saw a limited
increase................................................................................................ 37
US natural gas production reached new records in 2022 in spite of
limited growth from pure shale gas plays............................................. 39
Production slightly declined in the Appalachian Basin in 2022 despite
higher drilling and completion, while Permian drilling grew much faster
than completion.................................................................................... 40
US natural gas production growth is expected to slow in 2023 ........... 41
Russian piped gas supplies to Europe fell in 2022 to their lowest level
since the mid-1980s ............................................................................. 42
The steep drop in Russian piped gas supplies was partially offset by a
record LNG inflow ................................................................................ 43
Global LNG trade growth reached 5.4% in 2022, with a massive shift in
flows following Europe’s switch from Russian pipeline gas to LNG..... 44
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