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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 스리랑카) 스리랑카의 완전한 전기화 달성 과정
국가 [스리랑카]  출처 아시아개발은행
산업구분 [에너지효율]  등록일 2023.04.14
스리랑카가 2016년까지 100% 전기화를 달성한 방법과 그 사회경제적 영향을 분석한 보고서가 아시아개발은행에 게시되었습니다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
On the Road to Achieving Full Electrification in Sri Lanka
원문목차 :
Tables, Figures, and Boxes v
Foreword by the Ministry of Power and Energy of Sri Lanka vii
Foreword by the Asian Development Bank viii
Acknowledgments x
Abbreviations xi
Executive Summary xii
1 Socioeconomic Development—Historical Trends 1
Background 1
Study Approach 3
Socioeconomic Developments 4

2 Overview of the Expansion of the Electricity Industry 11
Historical Evolution 11
Electricity Demand Growth 13
Electricity Generation 15
Transmission and Distribution Network Expansion 17
System Loss Reduction 20

3 Expansion of Rural Electrification 21
Institutional Development 21
Rural Electrification Projects at the Provincial Level 24
Policy Interventions and Strategies 24
Investments in Rural Electrification 26

4 Analysis of the Macroeconomic Impact of Electrification 32
Background of Macroeconomic Studies 32
Model Specification 33
Methodology 33
Interpretation of the Results 34
Policy Implications 35

5 Impact of Rural Electrification and Key Economic Indicators 37
Per Capita Electricity Consumption 37
Growth of Industrial and Commercial Sectors 38
Electricity Intensity 41
Comparison of Key Economic Indicators 42

6 Socioeconomic Impact of Rural Electrification in Hambantota District 43
Research Methodology 43
Growth Pattern of Electricity Use in Industrial and Commercial Activities 45
Long-Term Relationship between Electricity Consumption and GDP of Hambantota District 47
Employment Pattern in Hambantota District 49
Comparison of Socioeconomic Development in Hambantota District—Results of 50
Field Surveys (2009 versus 2016)

7 Conclusions 65

Bibliography 67
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