제목 | 글로벌) 가스 시장 보고서, 2023년 2분기 | ||
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산업구분 | [화력발전] | 등록일 | 2023.05.08 |
2022~2023년 전세계 가스 시장 수요 및 소비 현황과 2023년 가스 시장을 예측한 보고서가 IEA에 게시되었습니다. 원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Gas Market Report, Q2-2023 원문목차 :
Executive summary........................................................................................ 5 Gas market update and short-term forecast ................................................11 Gas demand increased in North America during the winter, but is expected to contract in 2023................................................................. 12 Growth in US gas consumption during the past winter was sustained by power generation and heating needs during cold weather in Q4 .........13 Gas consumption saw a limited decline in Central and South America in 2022, and is expected to stabilise in 2023........................................14 Declines in gas demand in Argentina and Brazil in 2022 were almost balanced by growth in other Central and South American markets .....15 Gas use for power generation remains low in Brazil in Q1 2023 on strong hydro availability and limited electricity demand growth............16 European gas demand dropped by a record 55 bcm during the 2022/23 heating season.............................................................17 Mild weather, energy saving measures and lower gas use in industry weighed on gas demand.......................................................................18 Asian gas demand came under pressure in 2022; recovery in 2023 is expected to be modest .........................................................................19 Widespread declines in demand in Asia during 2022 are set to be followed by an uneven recovery in 2023 ..............................................21 US natural gas output maintains its growth, driven by Permian oildriven production .........................................................22 US natural gas production remained close to the record 100 bcf/d mark during Q1 2023 ..........................................................23 US natural gas production keeps growing in 2023, but at a slower pace........................24 LNG became a baseload supply for Europe accounting for two-thirds of imports during the 2022/23 heating season .......................................................................26 Global LNG demand moderated in Q1 while remaining strong in Europe ...........................27 The United States is set to drive LNG supply growth in 2023..............29 Not feeling the heat: Gas prices moderated significantly during the 2022/23 winter.................................30 Asian spot LNG and TTF prices are expected to remain above their historic averages in 2023 ..............................31 Mild winter and low gas demand depressed storage withdrawals over the 2022/23 winter season ...........................32 Storage levels closed the 2022/23 heating season well above their fiveyear average.......................................33 In the European Union storage injections equal to half of last year’s would suffice to reach 90% fill levels by the start of the 2023/24 heating season ...................................................34 Spotlight on e-methane...............................35 E-methane: A gas fit for net zero?.....................36 E-methane is characterised by a complex value chain with substantial efficiency losses ................39 E-methane’s high production costs require further technological development and policy support....................................40 Japan: A first mover in the e-methane space........................41 Japan has set a target for e-methane to meet 90% of its city gas supply by 2050...................... 43 Japan is actively developing international value chains for e-methane ......................44 Annex ...........................................................................................................45 Summary table......................................................................................46 Regional and country groupings ...........................................................47 Abbreviations and acronyms ................................................................48 Units of measure...................................................................................48 Acknowledgements, contributors and credits .......................................49
※ 본 정보는 게시일로부터 수정/변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 내용은 아래 출처의 링크를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다.
원문 링크 | https://www.iea.org/reports/gas-market-report-q2-2023 |
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