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제목 미국) 중형 및 대형 차량 전기화 : 과제, 정책 솔루션 및 질의응답
국가 [미국]  출처 RFF(Resources for the Future)
산업구분 [에너지효율]  등록일 2023.05.15
미국 내 중형 및 대형 전기자동차의 대규모 채택 시 발생하는 문제점과 이를 해결하기 위한 정책 솔루션을 제안한 보고서가 RFF(Resources for the Future)에 게시되었습니다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Electrification : Challenges, Policy Solutions, and Open Research Questions
원문목차 :
Executive Summary 1
Challenges 1
Alternative Technologies 2
Policy Solutions 2
Open Questions 3
1. Introduction 6
1.1. Momentum across Stakeholders 6
1.2. Technical Feasibility 7
2. Challenge #1: Making the Economics of MHDEV Adoption Work 8
2.1. Upfront Costs 8
2.2. Operating Costs 9
3. Challenge #2: The Fleet Perspective: Logistics, Operations, and Vehicle Adoption 10
3.1. Range 10
3.2. Recharging Time 11
3.3. Payload Reduction 12
3.4. Vehicle and Infrastructure Maintenance 12
4. Challenge #3: Manufacturing Challenges 12
4.1. Low Demand and Economies of Scale 12
4.2. Idiosyncratic Manufacturing Processes 13
4.3. Changing Battery Technology 14
4.4. Heterogeneity across Vehicle Use Cases 14
4.5. Supply Chain Restrictions 15
5. Challenge #4: Infrastructure Investment Requirements 16
5.1. Local Electricity Distribution 16
5.2. Grid Reliability and Transmission 18
5.3. Generation Expansion Needs 18
5.4. Charging Station Investments 18
6. Challenge #5: Making the Transition Equitable 19
6.1. Ownership and Affordability 20
6.2. Ability to Access Incentives and Navigate Programs 20
6.3. Technical and Management Support for Financial Decisions 20
7. Challenge #6: Externalities of the Transition 21
7.1. Externalities for Sales and Use 21
7.2. R&D Externalities 22
7.3. Environmental Externalities of Enery Supply 22
8. Alternatives to Electrification 23
8.1. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles 23
8.2. Biodiesel 23
8.3. Hybrid Trucks 24
9. Policy Solutions to Maximize the Social, Environmental, and Economic Benefits of the Transition to MHDEVs 24
9.1. Lowering Upfront Costs of Adoption 25
9.1.1. Reducing Vehicle Purchase Costs 25
9.1.2. Investing in Charging Stations 26
9.1.3. Lowering Cost of Entry 27
9.1.4. Increasing Demand of MHDEVs 28
9.1.5. Public-Private Partnerships 28
9.2. Managing Operating Costs and Challenges 29
9.2.1. Restructuring Electricity Tariffs 29
9.2.2. Generating Extra Revenue for Fleets 29
9.2.3. Adopting Managed Charging 30
9.2.4. Promoting Co-Located Solar and Storage 30
9.2.5. Equalizing Fuel Costs across Vehicle Types 31
9.2.6. Allowing Weight Regulation Exemptions 31
9.3. Improving On-Route Charging Options 32
9.3.1. Investing in Public Charging Stations 32
9.3.2. Standardized Battery Swapping 33
9.3.3. Installing Catenary Charging (Electric Road Systems) 33
9.4. Dealing with Externalities 33
9.4.1. Aligning Private and Public Incentives for Fleets and Manufacturers 34
9.4.2. Ensuring Green Generation Capacity 34
9.4.3. Subsidizing Battery R&D 34
9.5. Increasing Adoption by Small Fleets and Fleets in EJ Communities 35
9.5.1. Targeting Subsidies to Small Fleets 35
9.5.2. Providing Outreach and Leveraging Community Groups 35
9.5.3. Subsidizing Managed Charging Software and Co-Located Solar and Storage 35
10. Open Questions 36
10.1. Vehicle Use and Ownership 36
10.2. Manufacturing and Supply Chains 38
10.3. Public Charging Stations 39
11. Conclusion 40
12. References 42
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