제목 | 글로벌) 열 에너지 저장 | |||||
국가 | [글로벌] [독일] [말레이시아] [미국] [베트남] [싱가포르] [아랍에미리트] [영국] [인도] [인도네시아] [일본] [중국] [카자흐스탄] [캐나다] [태국] [필리핀] | 출처 | IRENA | |||
산업구분 | [에너지효율] [스마트그리드] | 등록일 | 2020.12.31 | |||
Innovation outlook: Thermal energy storage
This outlook from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) highlights key attributes of TES technologies and identifies priorities for ongoing research and development. Table of Contents 1. SETTING THE SCENE 1) The global energy transition 2) TES market assessment 3) The role of TES in integrated energy systems 4) A systems approach 2. TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW 1) Key types of TES technologies 2) Key attributes of TES technologies 3. CURRENT STATUS AND TRENDS BY SECTOR 1) Power 2) Industry 3) Cold chain 4) District heating and cooling 5) Buildings 4. POLICY INTERVENTIONS TO ACCELERATE DEPLOYMENT 1) System-level barriers to TES uptake 2) Available support mechanisms 3) Key barriers and recommendations for each sector 4) Key barriers to wider TES deployment 5. REFERENCES 6. APPENDIX 1) Methodology behind technology selection for this innovation outlook 2) Sensible thermal storage 3) Latent thermal storage 4) Thermochemical heat storage
원문 링크 | https://www.irena.org/publications/2020/Nov/Innovation-outlook-Thermal-energy-storage |