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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 글로벌) 2023년 CO2 배출량
국가 [글로벌]  출처 IEA
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [기타]  [에너지효율]  [화력발전]  [스마트그리드]  [자원개발·순환]  [원자력발전]  [기타 신재생]  [수소연료전지]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2024.03.13
이 보고서는 모든 에너지원과 산업 공정에서 발생하는 CO2 배출량에 대한 기관의 추정치를 결합한 IEA의 최신 분석이 포함되어 있는 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
CO2 Emissions in 2023
원문목차 :
Executive Summary .......... 3

Emissions grew in 2023, but clean energy is limiting the growth ........ 4
 Emissions increased in 2023 ......... 4
 but clean energy is making a difference ....... 5
Weather and continued Covid-19 reopening effects played an important role in the emissions increase ...... 7
 Temperature ....... 7
 Precipitation ......... 8
 Reopening in China and continued reopening in global aviation ........... 10
 Weaker industrial output in advanced economies .......... 10

Emissions in advanced economies fell to their level of 50 years ago ......... 11
 Advanced economies saw a record decline in their emissions ......... 11
 with coal demand back to around its 1900 level ......... 11
 on the back of a clean energy boom, but also mild weather and somewhat weaker industrial production .....12
  European Union ....... 12
  United States ........ 14
Energy-intensive economic growth, compounded by unfavourable weather, pushed emissions up in China and India .... 15
 The economic recovery has been energy-intensive, particularly in China ....... 15
 Bad hydro and economic reopening pushed up the increase in China’s emissions ..........16
 A poor monsoon drives up India’s emissions ........17

Coal demand in emerging market and developing economies was the biggest driver in global emissions growth ....... 18

The changing landscape of global emissions ........ 20

Data sources and methodology ........ 21

Acknowledgements ........ 22
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