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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 튀르키예) 튀르키예 전기 리뷰 2024
국가 [튀르키예]  출처 EMBER
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [기타]  [에너지효율]  [화력발전]  [스마트그리드]  [자원개발·순환]  [원자력발전]  [기타 신재생]  [수소연료전지]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2024.03.20
이 보고서는 Türkiye의 2023년 연간 전력 생산 및 수요 데이터를 제공하는 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Türkiye Electricity Review 2024
원문목차 :
Executive Summary ...................... 3
 Coal's share in electricity generation reaches a record high ...................... 3

Coal ...................... 6
 Turkiye and the EU are moving in opposite directions in coal power ...................... 6
  Turkiye is now Europe's second biggest producer of coal-fired electricity ...................... 6
  Russia consolidates its leading position in the supply of imported coal ...................... 8
  EU halved electricity generation from coal compared to 2016 ...................... 10
  Imported coal power plants drove the increase in coal share ...................... 11

Wind and Solar ...................... 13
 Solar leads renewables as wind installations hit a 13-year low ...................... 13
  The share of solar energy in electricity generation increased to 5.7% ...................... 13
  Wind generation declines for the first time ...................... 15
  Austria and Estonia overtook Turkiye in wind ...................... 16
  Poland surpassed Turkiye in the share of solar electricity generation ...................... 17

Gas and Hydro ...................... 20
 Electricity generation from natural gas at four-year low ...................... 20
  Electricity demand has declined over the past two years ...................... 20
  Hydro generation decreased due to the dry start to the year ...................... 22
  Gas-fired electricity generation lost its cost advantage over imported coal ...................... 22

Conclusion ...................... 24
 Renewable energy installations need to accelerate to meet targets ...................... 24
  Rooftop solar potential can help Turkiye reach its targets ...................... 24
  Wind power target is far from ambitious ...................... 24
  How to achieve climate goals remains unclear as dependency grows ...................... 25

Supporting Materials ...................... 28
 Methodology ...................... 28
 Acknowledgements ...................... 29
  Thank you ...................... 29
  Links ...................... 29
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