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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 글로벌) 분산형 재생 에너지를 위한 주류화 금융 통합
국가 [글로벌]  출처 UNDP
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [기타 신재생]  [수소연료전지]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2024.03.21
이 보고서는 분산 재생 에너지(DRE)의 중요한 역할을 설명하고 DRE 자금 조달 요구 사항과 투자자 요구 사항을 조화시키기 위한 유망한 접근 방식으로 DRE 채권의 재무 집계를 분석하여 해당 부문의 자본 배치를 강화하는 내용의 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Mainstreaming Financial Aggregation for Distributed Renewable Energy
원문목차 :
Introduction ............................ 4 

1. Defining DRE financial aggregation ......................... 5

2. Term Sheets for DRE financial aggregation .................... 6
 2.1 Introduction to term sheets ................... 6
  2.1.1 Considerations affecting term sheet design  ................... 6
 2.2 Key components of dre financial aggregation term sheets ................... 8 
  2.2.1 Operations and service agreement ................... 8
  2.2.2 Data sharing agreement ................... 8
  2.2.3 Purchase and sale agreement ................... 9
  2.2.4 Loan agreement ................... 10

3. Case studies of past and present DRE financial aggregation facilities and transactions ................... 11
 3.1 Bboxx distributed energy asset receivables $500,000 pilot in  Kenya (2015) ................... 11
  3.1.1 Transaction structure ................... 12
  3.1.2 Looking to the future ................... 12
 3.2 Winch Energy: $16 million mini-grid portfolio finance (2021) ................... 13
  3.2.1 Transaction structure ................... 13
  3.2.2 Looking to the future ................... 13
 3.3 Brighter life Kenya 2: landmark off-balance sheet facility (2022) ................... 14
  3.3.1 Transaction structure ................... 14
  3.3.2 Looking to the future ................... 15

4.  DFIs and concessional funds involvement in DRE financial  aggregation ................... 17

Conclusion ................... 19
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