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제목 글로벌) 넷제로(Net-Zero) 미래 계획: 장기 저배출 개발 전략(LT-LEDS) 개발 방법에 대한 지침
국가 [글로벌]  출처 UNDP
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [기타]  [기타 신재생]  [수소연료전지]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2024.05.22
이 보고서는 장기 저배출 개발 전략(LT-LEDS) 설계에 대한 실용적이고 간결한 단계별 지침을 제공하는 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Planning for a Net-Zero Future: Guidance on how to develop a Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS)
원문목차 :
Acronyms and abbreviations        iv
Preface           v

1. LT-LEDS in perspective        2
 1.1 Motivations and incentives for developing an LT-LEDS    2
 1.2 LT-LEDS and the Paris Agreement      3
 1.3 Building blocks: getting started and improving over time    5

2. How do you prepare for developing an LT-LEDS?     8
 2.1 Leadership, mandate, and governance      8
 2.2 Mapping the existing policy landscape      10
 2.3 Process organization and stakeholder engagement    12
 2.4 Analytical support        14

3. What are the contents of an LT-LEDS?      17
 3.1 Context and scope        18
 3.2 Ambition and vision        18
 3.3 Pathways and scenarios       20
 3.4 Sector transformations and priorities      22
 3.5 Finance and investments       26
 3.6 Monitoring and revision        28
 3.7 Adaptation and resilience       30
 3.8 An equitable, fair, and just transition      31

4. How do you implement an LT-LEDS?       35
 4.1 Institutional and legal arrangements      36
 4.2 Policy coordination and priorities      38
 4.3 Local governments and non-state actors     40
 4.4 Life cycle: what is next?        42

5. LT-LEDS good practices and lessons learned      45

Annex 1: Further reading        47

Annex 2: Deep dive on key transition levers      48

References          61
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