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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 글로벌) 오프 그리드 농촌 지역의 지속 가능한 냉각 | 에너지 접근과 청정 냉각 사이의 연관성
국가 [글로벌]  출처 ESMAP
산업구분 [스마트그리드]  등록일 2024.06.17
이 보고서는 농촌 오프그리드 지역의 냉방 수요 및 기회와 관련된 주요 개념과 냉각 및 전기 접근 간의 시너지 효과를 명확히 하고, 이를 해결하기 위한 정책 도구와 함께 중요한 문제와 장벽을 식별하고, 마지막으로 이 초기 평가를 기반으로 예비 권장 사항을 공식화하고 추가 작업을 위한 영역을 알리는 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
SUSTAINABLE COOLING IN OFF-GRID RURAL AREAS: Nexus between Access to Energy and Clean Cooling
원문목차 :
Abbreviations ........... vii

Preface ........... ix

Acknowledgements ........... xi

Executive Summary ........... xiii

1. Introduction ........... 1
 Cooling is Critical for Off-Grid Rural Communities ........... 2
 Impact of Global Warming on Rural Communities ........... 6
 The Off-Grid Energy Access Challenges for Cooling ........... 7

2. Defining the Nexus between Access to Electricity and to Cooling ........... 11
 Benefits of the Cooling Access–Electricity Access Nexus ........... 12
 Rural Off-Grid Electrification and the Challenges Ahead ........... 14
 Rural Cooling and the Challenges Ahead ........... 15

3. Current State of Off-Grid Cooling and Energy Access ........... 19
 An Overview of Off-Grid Cooling Technologies ........... 19
 Mapping Cooling Technologies to the Energy Access Multi-Tier Framework (MTF) ........... 32
 Affordability of Off-Grid Cooling Technologies for End Users ........... 35

4. Overview of Business Models and Finance for Sustainable Cooling in Rural Off-Grid Areas ........... 45
 Business/Operational Models ........... 47
 Financing for Expanding Access to Cooling ........... 57

5. Policies and Enabling Environment for Cooling in Rural Off-Grid Areas ........... 67
 Supporting Policies for Cooling and Their Integration into Other National Policies ........... 67
 Creating an Enabling Environment for the Provision of Access to Cooling Services ........... 74

6. Conclusions and Recommendations—A Call to Action ........... 83
 Policy Measures ........... 84
 Innovation in Technology and Promotion of Business Models ........... 85
 Finance for Sustainable Off-Grid Rural Cooling ........... 87
 Information, Awareness, and Capacity Building ........... 88
 Key Steps to Expand Access to Sustainable Off-Grid Rural Cooling ........... 89

References ........... 93

Glossary of Terms ........... 103

Appendices ........... 105
 Appendix A. Case Studies Illustrating the Cooling Access–Energy Access Nexus ........... 106
 Appendix B. Business Models for Rural Cooling ........... 115
 Appendix C. Quality Assurance Standards of Off-Grid Cooling Appliances ........... 119
 Appendix D. Technical Annex for Different Cooling Technologies ........... 121
 Appendix E. The Lighting Africa/Lighting Global Road Map to Off-Grid Energy Access ........... 123
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