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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 EU) 재생 가능한 전력, 분산 자산 및 수소의 역할 증가를 통한 에너지 시스템 통합 촉진에 대한 연구
국가 [EU]  출처 Publications Office of the European Union
산업구분 [바이오에너지]  [기타 신재생]  [수소연료전지]  [태양에너지]  [풍력에너지]  등록일 2024.07.15
이 보고서의 주요 목적은 에너지의 진행 상황을 평가하는 것이다.

이 보고서는 EU의 시스템 통합은 기존 장벽을 조사하고 솔루션을 식별하고 이러한 장벽을 해결하기 위한 권장 사항을 제공하기 위한 보고서이다.

이 보고서는 최종 용도의 전기화(특히 운송, 산업, 건물에 중점을 둠) 및 분산형 재생 에너지 통합, 재생 가능 및 저탄소 수소(바이오가스 및 바이오메탄 포함)의 활용, 폐열 활용의 세 가지 주제를 심층적으로 분석하며, 또한 에너지 인프라, 에너지 저장 및 디지털화와 같은 교차 주제를 다룬 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Study on promoting energy system integration through the increased role of renewable electricity, decentralised assets and hydrogen
원문목차 :
List of abbreviations ................................................................................................ 8 

Abstract ................................................................................................................... 11 

Résumé ................................................................................................................... 11 

Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 12 

Résumé Exécutif .................................................................................................... 19 

1. The role of system integration in the context of the REPowerEU plan ...... 27 
 1.1. Overview of the EU Energy System Integration Strategy and its links with the study 27 
 1.2. EU energy system trends .................................................................................. 29 
 1.3. Current status of implementation of actions of the EU Energy System Integration Strategy ......................... 31 
 1.4. Overview of energy system integration barriers and specific recommendations of this study .................. 33 

2. Electrification of end-uses and decentralised renewable energy integration ..................... 37 
 2.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 37 
 2.2. Barriers to electrification and decentralised RES integration ........................ 39 
 2.3. Recommendations on electrification and decentralised RES integration ..... 53 

3. Uptake of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen (and other low-carbon gases) ....................... 66 
 3.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 66 
 3.2. Barriers to the uptake of hydrogen .................................................................. 66 
 3.3. Recommendations on the update of hydrogen ............................................... 77 
 3.4. Additional aspects analysed concerning the uptake of hydrogen and other low-carbon gases ................... 92 

4. Utilisation of waste heat ............................................................................... 103 
 4.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 103 
 4.2. Barriers to the utilisation of waste heat ......................................................... 105 
 4.3. Recommendations on the utilisation of waste heat ...................................... 131 
 4.4. Case studies on the utilisation of waste heat ................................................ 143 

5. Cross-cutting topics on energy system integration .................................. 150 
 5.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 150 
 5.2. Barriers to a more integrated energy infrastructure ..................................... 151 
 5.3. Barriers to energy storage .............................................................................. 159 
 5.4. Barriers to digitalisation and innovation in the energy sector ..................... 163 
 5.5. Monitoring and reporting ................................................................................ 165 
 5.6. Pillars and challenges not addressed in the EU ESI Strategy ...................... 166 

6. Annexes ......................................................................................................... 170 
 6.1. Overview of recommendations ....................................................................... 170 
 6.2. Stakeholder survey.......................................................................................... 178 
 6.3. Stakeholders interviewed................................................................................ 194 
 6.4. Stakeholder workshop poll results ................................................................ 194 
 6.5. Status of actions in the EU Energy System Integration Strategy ................. 208 
 6.6. Uptake of hydrogen - Details on environmental impacts of hydrogen imports ............... 213 
 6.7. Waste heat utilisation case studies ................................................................ 219 
 6.8. Selected energy system integration studies considered .............................. 231
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