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제목 EU) EU의 재생 가능 수소에 대한 산업 정책
국가 [EU]  출처 Publications Office of the European Union
산업구분 [수소연료전지]  등록일 2024.07.30
이 보고서는 EU 집행위가 수소 생산 및 수입에 대한 EU 목표를 포함한 수소 전략 및 REPowerEU 계획에서 그린 수소 시장 창출을 위한 방향을 설정한 내용을 설명한 보고서이다.
원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
The EU’s industrial policy on renewable hydrogen
원문목차 :
Executive summary I-X
Introduction 01-16 
 Hydrogen explained 01-04 
 Renewable hydrogen as one way to decarbonise 05-11 
 Industrial policy challenges triggered by decarbonisation efforts 12-14 
 Roles and responsibilities 15 
 EU regulatory framework 16 

Audit scope and approach 17-21 

Observations 22-119 
 The Commission set unrealistic hydrogen production and import targets - the EU is not on track for achieving them 22-45 
  The Commission set capacity targets without recourse to robust analyses 24-30 
  Member states have divergent ambitions which are not necessarily aligned with the EU targets 31-37 
  Achieving EU targets has been compromised by a bumpy start 38-45 
 The legal framework is mostly complete, but its overall impact on the market is as yet uncertain 46-77 
  The Commission proposed most legal acts within a short period of time, but delays in adopting the rules for renewable hydrogen held up market development 47-53 
  The adoption of the EU rules for renewable hydrogen provided certainty, but the Commission did not assess their effects on the market ramp-up 54-61 
  The impact of the EU regulatory framework on the cost competitiveness of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen remains to be seen 62-63 
  The Commission took all possible measures to speed up permitting; uncertainty remains whether member states can follow suit 64-68 
  Certain state aid rules were amended to facilitate subsidy-granting, but the actual provision and level of support depends on member states 69-77 
 There are multiple EU funding sources for hydrogen projects, but no guarantee that they will be appropriate for developing an EU-wide market 78-106 
  Estimates of investment needs by the Commission and member states are not exhaustive 80-82 
  EU funding for the hydrogen value chain is scattered over several EU funding programmes 83-97
  No guarantee yet that available public funding allows hydrogen production potential across the EU to be harnessed 98-106 
 Insufficient coordination efforts by the Commission, both internally and with member states, but also with industry 107-119 
  Neither internal Commission coordination nor coordination between the Commission and member states yet ensures that all parties are pulling in the same direction 109-114
  Good first results from coordination between the Commission and industry, but momentum slowed after 2 years 115-119 

Conclusions and recommendations 120-134

 Annex I – Support for renewable hydrogen in the United States 
 Annex II – Renewable Energy Directive (RED III): targets 
 Annex III – Information on the member states we visited 
 Annex IV – Information on the projects we analysed 
 Annex V – Member states’ hydrogen strategies 
 Annex VI – Project announcements by member state 
 Annex VII – Legal provisions for the hydrogen network 
 Annex VIII – Low-carbon hydrogen, carbon capture and storage and carbon capture and utilisation 
 Annex IX – Legislative measures to accelerate national permitting processes 
 Annex X – State aid approved for renewable hydrogen projects 
 Annex XI – Recovery and resilience plans – data on funding earmarked for renewable and low-carbon hydrogen 
 Annex XII – Innovation Fund – data on EU hydrogen projects
Annex XIII – Analysis of projects for renewable hydrogen production (electrolysers) and related funding 
Annex XIV – Analysis of projects for network development, storage, ports, and related funding 



Replies of the Commission 


Audit team
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