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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보



제목 글로벌) 원자력발전소 부하추종운전의 기술적·경제적 측면
국가 [글로벌]  [노르웨이]  [독일]  [라오스]  [말레이시아]  [몽골]  [미국]  [미얀마]  [베트남]  [사우디아라비아]  [스페인]  [싱가포르]  [아랍에미리트]  [영국]  [우즈베키스탄]  [인도]  [인도네시아]  [일본]  [중국]  [카자흐스탄]  [캄보디아]  [캐나다]  [태국]  [프랑스]  [필리핀]  출처 NEA
산업구분 [원자력발전]  등록일 2021.12.02

전력의 수요·공급 불일치로 전력망이 마비되지 않도록 부하의 변동에 대응하여 발전량을 조정하는 원자력발전소의 ‘부하추종운전’이 기술적·경제적 측면에 끼치는 영향과 관련 문제를 분석한 보고서가 NEA에 게시되었습니다.

제목 : Technical and Economic Aspects of Load Following with Nuclear Power Plants


1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................9

1.1 Example: Electricity generation in France ......................................................................................10

2 The manoeuvring capability of past and modern nuclear power plants.................................................17

2.1 Current utilities’ requirements for manoeuvring capabilities .........................................................17

2.2 The manoeuvring capability of older and modern light water reactors ..........................................19

3 Technical aspects of load following with nuclear power plants.............................................................25

3.1 Physical aspects of the power generation and regulation................................................................25

3.2 Operation of the NPPs with light water reactors.............................................................................26

3.3 Influence of the load-following on the life-time expectancy of large components.........................41

3.4 Fuel performance in the load following mode ................................................................................42

4 Economic aspects of load following ......................................................................................................45

4.1 Load factor and the cost of electricity generation ...........................................................................45

4.2 Influence of the load-following on the equipment and the fuel ......................................................48

5 Conclusions............................................................................................................................................49

6 References..............................................................................................................................................50

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