제목 | 아시아) Net Zero를 향한 글로벌 전환에서의 아시아 : 아시아 개발 전망 2023 테마 보고서 | ||
국가 | [대만] [라오스] [말레이시아] [방글라데시] [베트남] [싱가포르] [인도] [일본] [중국] [카자흐스탄] [캄보디아] [태국] | 출처 | ADB |
산업구분 | [기타] [에너지효율] [자원개발·순환] [기타 신재생] [태양에너지] [풍력에너지] | 등록일 | 2023.04.28 |
파리 기후 협정을 기반으로 아시아 개발도상국을 위한 Net-Zero경로를 모델링하고 예상 결과를 비교분석하여 효율적인 정책을 제안한 보고서가 ADB에 게시되었습니다. 원문 제목 및 목차
제목 :
Asia in the Global Transition to Net Zero: Asian Development Outlook 2023 Thematic Report 원문목차 :
CONTENTS Tables, Figures, and Boxes iv Foreword vii Preface viii Acknowledgments ix Definitions x Abbreviations xi HIGHLIGHTS: Asia in the Global Transition to Net Zero 1 1 Asia’s Special Stake in the Global Climate Crisis 7 1.1 Climate Change Is a Critical Threat to Asia 8 1.2 Climate Change Cannot be Addressed without Asia 12 1.3 Developing Asia is Beginning to Respond to the Climate Challenge 16 2 Asia’s Transformation during the Global Transition to Net Zero 19 2.1 Key Choices for Climate Change Mitigation 19 2.2 Emission Pathways 25 2.3 Sources of Mitigation 28 2.4 Land Use Responses 28 2.5 Transformation of the Energy Sector 30 2.6 Investment Needs to Transform the Energy Sector 45 3 Socioeconomic Consequences of the Global Transition to Net Zero 47 3.1 Framework for Considering the Costs and Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation Policies 47 3.2 Policy Costs of the Low-Carbon Transition 47 3.3 Factors and Policies Affecting Decarbonization Costs 52 3.4 Benefits versus Costs of Deep Decarbonization for Asia 55 3.5 Equity Implications of Mitigation Policies 60 4 Policies for an Efficient and Equitable Global Transition to Net Zero 66 4.1 Reforming Prices 67 4.2 Facilitating Decarbonization Responses 76 4.3 Ensuring Fairness during the Transition 85 References 89 Appendix: Comparison of Modeling Results with the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 97
※ 본 정보는 게시일로부터 수정/변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 내용은 아래 출처의 링크를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다.
원문 링크 | https://www.adb.org/publications/ado-2023-thematic-report |
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