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KETEP 세계에너지시장정보


국가별 규제/지원제도

제목 미국) 주별 투자 인센티브 제도
국가 [미국]  출처 주별 웹사이트
산업구분 [기타]  등록일 2021.01.29

주별 투자 인센티브 제도










1. 산업 유형별 세제혜택
2. Business & Occupation tax
3. Sales & Use tax
4. 비즈니스 유형별 세제혜택

1. Washington Economic Development Finance Authority
2. Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB)
3. Research, Development and Demonstration Program RD&D - Clean Energy Fund (CEF)
4. 수출 바우처
5. Collateral Support Program(CSP)

1. Startup Washington
2. ScaleUp
3. Startup 365 Centers 
4. Thrive!


1. California Competes Tax Credit
2. Partial Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Manufacturing
3. New Employment Tax Credit, NEC
4. California Film & Television Tax Credit Program 3.0
5. California Pollution Control Tax-Exempt Bond Financing Program


1. General Small Business Loans: 7(a)
2. Microloan Program
3. Real Estate & Equipment Loans: CDC/50
4. Disaster Loans
5. Loan Program

6. California Capital Access Program, CalCAP, Collateral Support Program

Employment Training Panel


Tax Incentives

1. 텍사스 산업지역 프로그램
2. 텍사스 인프라 구축
3. 텍사스 부동산 개발
4. Financing & Grants
5. Workforce Development
6. Texas Enterprise Fund
7. Texas Emerging Technology Fund


1. Department of Commerce & Economics Opportunity
2. Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE)

Illinois Finance Authority(IFA)

1. Illinois Business Development Public Infrastructure Program
2. Illinois Department of Transportation's Economic Development Interchange and Access Road Program
3. Illinois Department of Transportation's Rail Freight Program

1. Advantage Illinois Program
2. Participation Loan Program
3. Enterprise Zone Financing Program
4. Capital Access Program


State Essential Services Assessment(SESA) Exemption

 Jobs Ready Michigan

1. Planet M
2. Michigan Business Development Program (MBDP)


1. Job Tax Credit
2. Quality Jobs Tax Credit
3. Port Tax Credit Bonus
4. Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program (WOTC)
5. Mega Project Tax Credit
6.  Investment Tax Credit
7. Research and Development Tax Credit 
8. Child Care Tax Credits
9. Parolee Tax Credit
10. Retraining Tax Credit
11. Quick Start Employee Training
12. Film, TV and Digital Entertainment Tax Credit

1. Sales Tax and Use Tax Exemption
2. 재고세 면제


Economic Stimulus Package (Keystone Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Industry Zone, Keystone Opportunity Economic Zone)


1. Port of Virginia Economic & Infrastructure Development Grant

2. Enterprise Zone Job Creation Grant

North Carolina

1. 데이터센터
3. 오염방지시설

One North Carolina Fund(OneNC)

New York

1. Excelsior Job Program
2. New York Empowerment Zone Program
4. Employee Training Incentive Program

1. Business Mentor NY
2. Entrepreneurial Assistance Centers
3. New York State Surety Bond Assistance Program
4. Procurement Assistance Program

New Markets Tax Credit Program

1. Economic Development Fund Program
2. Linked Deposit Program
3. Metropolitan Economic Revitalization Fund Program
4. Center for Advanced Technology



1. Premier Lender Program

2. Small Business Fund

3. Garden State Growth Zone – Business Lease Incentive

4. Garden State Growth Zone – Business Improvement Incentive

5. Small Business Services


1. Grow NJ Assistance Program

2. Economic Redevelopment and Growth(ERG) Program

3. Bond Financing

4. Real Estate Impact Fund


1. Salem County Energy Sales Tax Exemption  

2. Urban Enterprise Zones(UEZ) Manufacturers Energy Sales Tax Exemption


1. Angel Investor Tax Credit Program

2. Technology Business Tax Certificate Transfer(NOL) Program

 3. Edison Innovation Fund


1. Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit (BIITC)
2. Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit (CIITC)
3. One Maryland Tax Credit
4. Start up Tax Credit

1. Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority Fund (MEDAAF)
2. Military Personnel and Veteran-Owned Small Business Loan Program
3. Small, Minority and Women-Owned Business Account - Video Lottery
Terminal Fund (VLT)
4. Maryland Small Business Development Fund Authority (MSBDFA)



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